Hi, mama. I’m so glad you’re here.

If you’re feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or anxious about your baby’s sleep, I want you to know you’re in the right place. I’m here to help you navigate it all - the night wakings, early mornings, and everything in between - all from an attachment-focused, holistic perspective.

Let's talk baby sleep.

Let's talk baby sleep.

I’m a certifying infant sleep specialist. As I work toward wrapping up my program, I’m currently taking volunteer clients for my Sleep Support and Education calls.

Not sure if you need sleep support? Here’s when you might want to reach out:

  • You’re feeling lost, confused, or defeated when it comes to your baby’s sleep and need a confidence boost

  • Your baby is waking up excessively (outside of what is developmentally normal) and you’re not sure why

  • You have a specific sleep challenge you’re dealing with or a specific change you’d like to make (like stopping nursing to sleep, night weaning, or moving on from cosleeping)

  • You want an attachment-focused, holistic alternative to sleep training

Check out my free resources.

Guides and handouts on what to expect from your baby’s sleep